Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Oh, Good Grief!

So, I guess my blog is turning out to be a New Years' thing. LOL Back to cataloging my projects - which I'll do tomorrow if I have time - and report back on how those UFO's are faring!

It's January 5th and I have a finished project to my credit: the Della cowl. The details can be found on my Ravelry page:

I have a few projects on the needles. Alison wants some fingerless mitts (one down, one to go), and a good friend is pregnant so I have a couple a projects begun for the baby.

I expect to have a little more time on my hands this year. Chronic Fatigue has finally caught up with me so I'm slowing down a little. I'm hoping to spend some time organizing my home and my life (yea huh) and catching up with what's important.

Wish me luck!

Off to take Ali to trumpet lessons. I'll take my knitting. :-)

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