Sunday, January 9, 2011

Patterns, Patterns for Everyone!

More housecleaning. As I was thinking about designing this morning I went through my Spinner's Palette files on my hard drive and located a few patterns to share with the knitting community. I'll post here and on Ravelry. Hopefully knitters will find them useful.

The Fuzzy-On-The-Inside Double Knit Hat

Complete with my own, anyone-can-do-it instruction on double knitting.

Please note: Googledocs wreaked havoc on my docs and my PDF's were apparently to large to upload (?). If you'd like a PDF, email me at

A Brioche Scarf

Simple enough. Wonderfully forgiving and fast to knit. Talk about instant gratification. Grab a ball or two of bulky yarn and away you go.

My Funky Pink Scarf

These are so fun to knit that I've knit many for friends. Every time I've finished one, it's been grabbed right off the needles. Still have a bunch of those novelty yarns hiding in bins around the house? Here's a great way to use them.


1 comment:

  1. I fixed the permission errors on Google docs so there shouldn't be any more download issues. Let me know if you have any problems. Cheryl
